Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

7-1 Journal

7-1 Journal

Q Overview In this assignment, you will compare how government agencies shared information prior to 9/11 with how they share information now. You will also describe how information is shared between the different levels of government. Prompt Using the resources you’ve read in the course thus far, address the following questions in a 350- to 500-word journal entry: • What was typical of government agencies’ attitude toward sharing information with other agencies prior to 9/11? • How is information that is gathered at the local level shared with state and federal agencies? • How is information that is gathered at the federal level shared with state and local agencies? • How is information sharing among government agencies at all levels better now than prior to 9/11 in terms of effective counterterrorism? Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed: • Describe the typical attitude of government agencies in regard to sharing information prior to 9/11. • Describe how information gathered at the local level can be shared with state and federal agencies. • Describe how information gathered at the federal level can be shared with state and local agencies. • Analyze the difference in information sharing pre-and post-9/11 in terms of effective counterterrorism. Guidelines for Submission This assignment must be 350–500 words in length. Any references must be cited in APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

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The attitude of the government agencies in respect of sharing information before the 9/11 attack is quite loose and careless. The attitude of the government agencies was separated from each other, and all the departments had some structural barriers among each other (Govinfo.library, 2022). National governmental agencies were more organized than local, state, or regional agencies. At that time these agencies were less organized about sharing information with other agencies. So, all the governmental agencies were not jointly interchanging the information to stop or combat terrorism (Govinfo.library, 2022).